Work of cinema prof installed at UofT
The second floor student lounge outside of the University of Toronto's Innis College Library is getting a facelift. The newly- renovated lobby will serve as a vital social space for students with new lighting, flooring and furniture.
Unveiled this fall, the lobby's centerpiece will be a "motion picture weaving" by the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema's Richard Kerr. Titled t/social contract, the piece will be permanently installed at Innis College. Although this is the first of Kerr's works to be housed at the University of Toronto, several of his films have been screened at the College since the 1980s.
Kerr's dynamic installations consist of a light board backdrop onto which old bits of films strips are weaved into abstract drawings; t/social contract is woven from rare imax film strips. Depending on which film is used, the design offers a strikingly similar varied macro/mirco viewing experience.