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Artist Talk - SPSL / A to Y

April 1, 2014

In collaboration with the MAI (Montréal arts interculturels), Ethnocultural Art Histories Research (EAHR) at Concordia University is pleased to present SPSL/ A to Y, an artist talk by London-based artist susan pui san lok.

In conjunction with her upcoming exhibition at the MAI, Faster, Higher, susan will present an a-chronological, experimental and  necessarily partial narrative of her practice since the late nineties.  Working across installation, moving image, sound and text, projects  include: 97 Proofs... A to Y... After Words... Faster, Higher... FCHKUK... Golden... Lean  To... Lessons... Lightness... NEWS... Notes on Return... REEL... Songs... Vistas... Witness... Years... and current work-in-progress, RoCH  Fans & Legends.

Working with questions around nostalgia, aspiration and diaspora, susan's artistic practice includes installation, video, performance, sound art  and writing. Her work has been exhibited on numerous occasions in Australia, China, Japan and New Mexico.

Tuesday April 8, 1:00-2:00pm
Concordia University, York Amphitheatre, EV 1.605
1515 Sainte-Catherine St. W.
Montreal, Quebec
Metro Guy-Concordia

For more information about the artist talk at Concordia University, please contact Ethnocultural Art Histories Research (EAHR).

All are welcome.

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