Launch of Jerusalem Journal

The Jerusalem Journal is launched!
The second volume of the Jerusalem Art History Journal: An Undergraduate eJournal / Histoire de l’art à Jérusalem : cyberrevue étudiante de premier cycle consists of twenty-three projects completed by undergraduate students in the context of Loren Lerner’s 2014 course The City of Jerusalem: Ideas and Images.
Each of these works addresses different aspects of the famed metropolis whether it be its legendary past, its impressive artistic tradition or its current controversies. These subjects have demanded thorough research, a critical eye and resilient creativity from the student.
Stéphanie Hornstein and Sarah Amarica, students in the course, were the guest editors for this volume, which was created in partnership with Concordia's Azrieli Institute as part of the Minor in Israeli Studies.
Related link:
- Inaugural volume of the Jerusalem Journal.