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Dr. Balbir K. Singh appointed CRC Tier 2 in Art and Racial Justice

September 11, 2023

Dr. Balbir K. Singh

Dr. Balbir K. Singh is Concordia’s new Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Art and Racial Justice (Tier 2). This designation brings the total number of CRCs at the university to 26.

Dr. Singh will receive $120,000 annually for five years, plus $250,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), a non-profit corporation that invests in research infrastructure at Canadian universities.

As Chairholder, Dr. Singh is designing the Dark Opacities Lab, a hub for BIPOC political and aesthetic study and strategy at Concordia University. The lab is launching at 4th Space on November 2, from 3-6 pm.

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