Call for papers: Interuniversity PhD in Art History Study Days
April 30, May 1-2, 2025
UdeM | Concordia University | UQAM
These study days, in hybrid format, invite participants to reflect on the transformations in art history research since the creation of Doc-Inter in 1994, while exploring the transformations and innovations that have marked the last three decades. The aim is to provide a portrait of past, present and future research while examining the evolution of objects of study, pedagogical practices and critical approaches over the years, through panels and round tables.
The 20-minute papers proposed for the panels will be part of this collective reflection. We encourage the submission of papers in pairs (e.g. professor + student, professor + professor or student + student). Pairs may include professors or students from different universities.
An edited volume is planned to be published after the study days.
Information must be submitted by January 10, 2025 to <>, with “Communication proposal_30 years_Doc-Inter_Name(s)” in the Subject field:
● Name(s)/Affiliation(s)
● Status (retired, graduate, professor, or current student)
● Paper proposal (150 words max.)
● CV (5 pages max.)
30th Anniversary Organizing Committee:
- Analays Álvarez Hernández (UdeM)
- Christina Contandriopoulos (UQAM)
- Anna Hoddé (Concordia University)
- Alice Jim (Concordia University)
*This call is open exclusively to graduates, students, professors and retired professors of the Interuniversity PhD program in Art History (Doc-Inter) (UQAM, Concordia University and UdeM).