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PhD students Patrick Brodie and Patrick Brian Smith publish new research on the Shannon Free Zone in Ireland

January 18, 2018


Patrick Brodie and Patrick Brian Smith have recently published an essay in the online publication Pause Button, based out of the Milieux Institute at Concordia.

In their essay “Documenting Capital: Intersections of Free Trade Zone Architecture and Digital Filmmaking,” Patrick Brodie and Patrick Brian Smith pose the question: What can digital filmmaking bring to an understanding of the spaces of capital circulation and accumulation? Established in 1959 to attract foreign and regional investment, the Shannon Free Zone is claimed to be the world’s first free trade zone. Driven by a motivation to document and visualize financialized spaces like the Shannon Free Zone, Brodie and Smith embarked on a multimedia project aiming to “cognitively” or “deep” map the abstract flows of capital through the Shannon area. By visualizing the spatial machinations of finance capital, they hope to confront its invisible circulations by focusing on its material infrastructures and conditions of labour. The presentation will introduce the theory and practice behind the project, and will screen uncut footage from the research trip conducted in the summer of 2017, partially funded by the GEM Lab at Concordia University’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema. The research-creation component of the project was presented at the lab’s Works-in-Progress workshop series in November. 

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