How to connect to our Remote Desktop Procol Server from your Mac
1. Launch the RemoteDesktop Connection application located in your Applications folder.
2. Type in the IP address of the server which is shown in the picture and click connect.
3. You'll need to authenticate yourself to the computer (different than the PT contract application) so enter your username preceeded by "CDAAD\" and password. This is usually your CDA account created by someone at CDA and has nothing to do with anything else at Concordia such as Carrefour (the employee intranet).
4. Depending which version of Remote Desktop Connection you are using, you may see this dialog box, so just click yes.
5. You should now see the remote computer, so double click on the "Part time Contracts.vbs" file (script).
6. This will lauch Microsoft Access and ask you for your username and password for the part-time contract system. This is not the same username and password as when you first logged into the computer.
7. Once you click "OK", you are now into the system. It might take up to five minutes to authenticate you to Concordia's databases which are very slow. Once you see the screen below, you are ready to use the system.