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Dr. Heather Igloliorte

April 22, 2013

Dr. Igloliorte will be heading the Inuit Art Research Group. This is a new student-driven initiative within the Art History department that is intended to foster a sharing of knowledge and collaboration on a variety of projects related to Inuit art.

The goal of the group is to establish and maintain a continuous discourse about Inuit Art, both historical and contemporary, and situate discussion within art historical praxis. Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels are encouraged to participate.

Ideas for the year:

  • Reading group to encourage the discussion and dissemination of art historical texts related to Inuit Art throughout the Concordia Fine Arts community
  • Film screening, presented in consort with Professor Heather Igloliorte
  • Visit to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts archives to gather information about the inaugural Cape Dorset print show held at the museum in February 1960.
  • Visit to the Gallery Elca London
  • Trip to the National Gallery to tour the Aboriginal Art collection with the curator of Aboriginal Art (contingent on FASA funding)

Additional informatiion

If you are interested in being a part of the group, suggesting activities, and learning more about Inuit art with your peers, send an e-mail to Inuit Art Research Group (c/o Erika Couto)

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