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"Speaking of Photography Lecture Series" - Paul Wombell, Carol Payne, Lucy Soutter & Judith Nicholson

2013-2014 Edition
September 19, 2013

Please note that all the lectures of the 2013-14 edition will be held on Friday evenings.
Stay tuned - there may be more come!

Paul Wombell

Guest Curator, Mois de la photo à Montréal 2013
"Beyond Photographic Time"

Friday, 4 October 2013, at 18:30

Carol Payne

Associate Professor, Department of Art History, Carleton University
"The Official Picture: The National Film Board of Canada's Still Photography Division and the Image of Canada, 1941-1971"

Friday, 1 November 2013, at 18:30
Presented in collaboration with McGill-Queen's University Press

Lucy Soutter

Critical and Historical Studies, Royal College of Art
"Beyond Photography: Persistence of the Photographic in Contemporary Art"

Friday, 17 January 2014, at 18:30

Judith Nicholson

Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
"Looking at American Lynching Photographs: A Canadian Perspective"

Friday, 7 February 2014, at 18:30

Lectures are free and open to the public

Lectures are held in EV-1.605
The York Amphitheatre (on the ground floor)
Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Complex
1515 Ste-Catherine Street West. Metro Guy-Concordia.

The series is made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor, with additional support from the Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art; the Concordia University Research Chair in Art History; members of the Art History Graduate Students Association; Ciel Variable magazine; Château Versailles Hotel; and other interested sponsors.

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