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Conference at the Art Gallery of Ontario

Dr. Kristina Huneault
March 4, 2014

On Friday May 23, 2014 the Art Gallery of Ontario becomes a conference hub hosting conference sessions as well as tours and workshops created for conference attendees by museum curators.

Join Toronto-based artist Iris Häussler (, Dr. Kristina Huneault, Concordia University Research Chair in Art History and founder of the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative (, and Georgiana Uhlyarik, Associate Curator, Canadian Art, AGO, and Dr. Amy Furness, Special Collection Archivist, AGO, for an exclusive opportunity to considers the issues and methodologies of researching, collecting, exhibiting and sometimes 'creating' the archives of historical and contemporary women artists as works of art.

Description: Bringing together the views and practices of the artist, the academic, the curator and the archivist, this workshop and associated panel addresses the question: is it art?  Attendees will view works of art by celebrated Toronto-based artist Iris Häussler, who creates entire archives of fictitious people to wide acclaim. Also on view will be several notebooks by Canadian artist Betty Goodwin (1923-2008). Goodwin was a collector as much as a creator. Throughout her life, she collected ideas, drawings, along with quotes, objects and photographs in her notebooks, which became her portable studio. Upon her death, Goodwin offered the AGO Special Collections her most important and personal possession, all of her 117 notebooks.

Friday, May 23, 2014, 1:00 - 3:00pm

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