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Overall Bronze for JMSB at 2013 Jeux du Commerce

January 16, 2013
By Yuri Mytko

Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB) took home third place at the Commerce Games (Jeux du Commerce or JDC), held this year at Université de Montréal (HEC) in Montreal between January 4 and 6, in 2013.

Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB) took home third place at the Commerce Games (Jeux du Commerce or JDC), held this year at Université de Montréal (HEC) in Montreal between January 4 and 6.

Over 1,000 students from 13 universities participated in the competition, which is the biggest in Eastern Canada. The weekend-long event tests participants’ skills in academics, sports and various social competitions. JMSB put in an impressive showing, earning third place overall.  The first-place winners were HEC Montréal, with second-place going to ESG/UQAM.

Final Overall Results:

  1. HEC Montréal, Université de Montréal
  2. École des Sciences de la Gestion, Université de Québec à Montréal
  3. John Molson School of Business, Concordia University



Finance Alexandra Duffy, Dinos Papoulias and Ludovic Jacques
Coaches: Reena Atanasiadis, Amr Ezzat and Thomas Horvath
Entrepreneurship Michael Bellows, Scott Carr and Victoriya Gouchtchina
Coaches: Claudio Forlini, Peter Vogopoulos, Montse Salinas and Stephanie Ciotti
Human Resources Jessica Daigneault, Khatera Hashuri and Jamie Malorni
Coaches: Aaron Dresner and Chris Labrecque
Volleyball Terrence Dobson, Maurice Klimos, Alvy Mizelle, Ping-Yu Ni, Stephanie Sun, Kayla Tan, Peter Van Der Noord, Jenna Yee and Austin Zeagman
Coach: Adam van Vlaardingen


International Business Shireen Salehi, Danny Shakibaian and Valentine Vaillant
Coaches: Rabia Khan and Cedrin Law
Management Information Systems Christopher Carpini, Charles Gedeon and Chelsea Paquette
Coaches: Ian Selvarajah, Meral Buyukkurt, Andres Tocasuche and Guillaume Leverdier


Strategy Ariane Beaulieu Sirois, Alexander Harris and Aurelie Tzeuton
Coaches: Christian Bonneau and Jonathan Lawrence-Ruel
Debate Julien-Pierre Bolduc, Kabir Bindra, Jesse Carmichael and Evan Weiser
Coaches: Chris Daigle, Aude-Olivia Dufour, Joe Little, Danny Shakibaian and Greg Synanidis
Congratulations to the rest of the Concordia delegation that helped JMSB reach their overall bronze standing.

Xavier Freeman, Nancy Peng and Rose-Lyne Youssef Boghos
Coaches: Peter Dedicik, Kyle Britton and Marion Roussel
Accounting Francis-Carl Belanger, Megan Prendergast and Andree Robbins
Coaches: Patrick Gagnon, Audrey Landry and Gail Fayerman
Tax Aaron Patrick Belcher, Max Dadouche and Cristina Paklarian
Coaches: Tara Ramsaran, Farinaz Bahmani, Martina Petrova and June Svetlovsky
POM Laurent Han, Jessalynn Hanna and Gabriel Velasquez
Coach: Gianni Rino
Stock Simulation Alexandre Chkliar, Nicolas Daigneault, Shane Harboun, Mathieu Milliand
Touch Rugby Robert Beauregard, Magali Boivin-Calot, Julie Chamberland, Anthony D’ Urbano, Marc Elliot, Emmanuel Peres, Steven Rassi, Ryan Ruffner, Kristyna Spooner and Philippe Tremblay
Coaches: Mike Homsy and Samantha Homsy
Ultimate Frisbee Simon Chamberland, Anna Chmielowski, Beatrice Ip Yam, Leander Kotsopoulos, Julien Lévesque, Zachary Lupu, Michael Hopmeyer, Geneviève Normandin and Alessandro Pedicelli
Coaches: Maxence Guérin, Vero Hamel and Anthony Hunt
Social Catherine Guay-Chenard, Kevin Gulledge, Stephanie Christodoulopoulos, Frédéric Latulippe
Special thanks to:

Coordinator Gregory Synanidis
Ambassadors Frédérique Dufort-Plante, Daniele Brissette-Lalonde, Adam Castonguay, Benjamin Dumas-Boisvert, Miyoko Fulleringer, Kirsten Law, Valérie Sicard and David Zorko
Volunteers Gabriel Da Silva, Ludovic De Blignières, Michal Karwowski, Ana Maria Movila, Aleksandar Tomovic and Véronique Vongphrachanh

The John Molson Competition Committee would also like thank Head Coach and Advisor to the Competition Program, Mark Haber, for his commitment and his contribution to the program.

The Committee would also like to thank its exclusive sponsor Pfizer Canada for their support of the competition program.

For more information about the Jeux de Commerce Competition, please contact the John Molson Competition Committee at . For more information about the John Molson Competition Program please click here.

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