OUT NOW: JMSB Mag covers women in leadership
You can access Issue #3 online or through Concordia's app

The third issue of JMSB Mag, the all-digital publication from the John Molson School of Business containing timely and relevant business insight, is now available through the Concordia app.
The theme of the latest edition is women in leadership:
- Cream of the Entrepreneurial Crop looks at how beauty industry icon, and Concordia Hon Doc, Lise Watier is laying the foundation for her next act
- In Women in the C-suite John Molson’s Ingrid Chadwick and Alexandra Dawson investigate how gender affects the corporate climb
- John Molson alumna and Accenture Managing Director, Annie Hébert-Lalonde (BComm 97) is profiled in How to trade in your hard hat for a directorship
- Time to get on board with the times features Accountancy’s Claudine Mangen’s research on the diversity issue in Canada’s boardrooms
- Because it’s 2019 looks at John Molson Dean Anne-Marie Croteau’s leadership framework for women: CARE
Read the latest issue of JMSB Mag here or download the Concordia app from iTunes or Google Play.