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Mentors in the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program at the John Molson School of Business share why they give back

‘It is our responsibility to guide and mentor the next generation’
January 24, 2025

Andrea Bobkowicz with KWPMP students Matthew MacNeil and Olivier Cloutier Faucher, Class of 2023 at the NBF conference. Andrea Bobkowicz with KWPMP students Matthew MacNeil and Olivier Cloutier Faucher, Class of 2023 at the NBF conference

For twenty-five years, the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program (KWPMP) at the John Molson School of Business has given select undergraduate students the opportunity to invest a real-life portfolio in real time. Students are now working with a portfolio of over $6.2 million.

We spoke to two alumni and one industry partner who give their time as mentors in the program.

Andrea Bobkowicz with mentee Garv Bhandari. Andrea Bobkowicz with mentee Garv Bhandari

Andrea Bobkowicz, Wealth Advisor, National Bank Financial; founder, Bobkowicz Advisory Team and women empowerment advocate

Bobkowicz has been an investment professional for more than thirty years.

"It is our responsibility to guide and mentor the next generation," she says.

While the students learn the fundamentals in the classroom, Bobkowicz says it’s mentors who help students navigate what their career will look like in the real world. The mentor/mentee relationship is crucial and Bobkowicz advises students to use their mentors wisely.

"In portfolio management, your success will be measured by performance, benchmark comparisons, peer evaluations and ultimately client satisfaction," she says. "I strive to create opportunities for them to engage with industry leaders, arranging lunches with management, fund portfolio managers and connecting them with relevant events."

She stresses that at the core of every great manager is a great teacher, citing Warren Buffett and his mentor, Benjamin Graham. She adds that students in the KWPMP are fortunate to have an industry expert with Sukyong Yang, who possesses a breadth of experience and insight.

Bobkowicz has a specific message for women in the program:

"Proceed with confidence and understand the important role you play in providing a diversified perspective in global markets and client relations."

Alex Guarino (far left) with NYC-based KWPMP alumni. Alex Guarino (far left) with NYC-based KWPMP alumni

Alex Guarino, BComm 20, Investment Analyst, Formula Growth

For Alex Guarino, a successful mentor/mentee relationship is one where both parties actively benefit and grow.

"The mentor can help with anything from stock pitches to career decisions, while the mentee, through their questions and perspectives, can make you learn something new or gain another perspective on a certain topic," he says. "The key message I try to instill is to always be curious and continuously learn."

Guarino says serving as a mentor in the program has deepened his patience, empathy and communication skills as he and his mentee tackled sometimes complex technical problems from an accounting or financial modeling perspective.

He says giving back as a mentor is part of contributing to the continuation of the program’s legacy.

He encourages students interested in portfolio management to apply to KWPMP.

"The program links what students learn in the classroom about finance and brings it to the real world. For any student curious about portfolio management and willing to work hard, the KWPMP is a tremendous opportunity."

Chester Ntonifor with mentee Giovanni Di Nunzio. Chester Ntonifor with mentee Giovanni Di Nunzio

Chester Ntonifor, BA 08, Managing Editor, BCA Research

"We live in a world that we would like to be better," says program mentor Chester Ntonifor. "A better world is the best gift I can share."

He says seeing honesty and passion develop in one’s mentee is what defines a successful mentor/mentee relationship.

"Tell your mentor what you feel can unlock your inner star, and this will help the mentor guide you towards that."

He encourages students to keep teamwork in mind as they move through the program to prepare for a rewarding career.

"Individualism is all the rage, but it is amazing what you can achieve as a team. The Kenneth Woods program taught me that."

Learn more about the Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program at the John Molson School of Business.

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