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Broadening perspectives through the John Molson MBA international exchange program

Graduate Perspectives series
July 11, 2024
By Rohan Shukla

Graduate Perspectives is a series of blogposts about the John Molson School of Business graduate programs experience from the perspective of current students and alumni.

Rohan Shukla, MBA'24, tells us how an international exchange term at ESSEC Business School in Paris exposed him to innovative business ideas and rewarding connections.

You recently returned from an international exchange term at ESSEC Business School in Paris; can you tell us about your experience?

I recently went to ESSEC Business School for the Winter 2024 term and the experience was both transformative and rewarding. I built valuable networks, made lasting friendships, and experienced new teaching styles and innovative business ideas. I also had the chance to explore Parisian culture, from visiting iconic landmarks and witnessing the excitement and preparations for the Olympics, to enjoying local French cuisine. Overall, I highly recommend John Molson students consider an exchange term, as it helps you grow both personally and professionally.

When did you know you wanted to do an exchange program during your graduate studies?

I chose to do my Master's at a Canadian university because the programs are highly specialized and align with my career goals, but I also always wanted the exposure of studying at European schools. When I learned about the international exchange opportunities that the John Molson MBA offers, which includes partnerships with some of the most reputed universities, I saw it as a great chance to gain international experience and expand my academic and cultural exposure in multiple countries. I was especially interested in studying at ESSEC, as it is known for its strong emphasis on a global business education.

How did Concordia University support you, administratively and logistically, in the exchange process?

The exchange process was smoother than I thought. As an international student, I not only needed to get academic approvals from both universities, but I also had to complete the visa-related formalities. However, Concordia has a very thorough system for supporting exchange students.

From the very beginning, I received support through detailed presentations and live information sessions by Concordia International. The exchange program even took care of our accommodations in Paris. I would especially like to thank Pauliina Rouleau from Concordia International for her invaluable help throughout the process.

My group and I were introduced to Campus France for assistance with all visa-related questions. Additionally, John Molson's MBA department was very supportive in providing the approvals and guidance throughout the process. Overall, the comprehensive support from Concordia made the entire experience smooth and stress-free.

What did you gain out of doing the exchange program at ESSEC?

The exchange term at ESSEC pushed me out of my comfort zone and into a completely new environment. I was able to benefit from another business school’s approach and network with a diverse group of students and faculty members.

Academically, I chose from a variety of courses and learned about Luxury Retail Management, Entrepreneurship and Purchasing & Procurement Management. Through these courses, I also got the chance to learn from industry leaders. With ESSEC’s focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in almost every course, I particularly enjoyed the Strategy in the Age of AI course, which was very insightful. We explored how AI technologies are reshaping industries, creating new sources of competitive advantage, and transforming business strategies.

Paris has a thriving job market and the various networking events organized gave me the opportunity to interact with local industry leaders and successful alumni entrepreneurs. Additionally, I traveled to countries like Germany, Belgium, and the Czech Republic during weekends, which added to my international experience. Other students with more flexible schedules even managed to travel to up to 15 countries during their exchange term!

Why do you think it is important for graduate programs, like John Molson’s Full-time/Part-time MBA, to offer international exchange opportunities to its students?

I believe international exchange opportunities are important for MBA students because they offer a unique and transformative experience. International exchange programs create valuable networking opportunities, helping students build lasting friendships and professional connections worldwide. Personally, my exchange in Europe exposed me to innovative business ideas, diverse cultures, and valuable relationships. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me a more well-rounded individual.

Through international exchanges, the John Molson MBA exposes students to different academic settings and cultures, helping to broaden their perspectives and enhance their adaptability. Employers value graduates with international experience for their cross-cultural communication skills and global mindset. This opportunity is a strategic investment that prepares students for the global business environment.

For more information on the John Molson MBA, visit our website. Then connect with a recruiter to ask a question or arrange a one-to-one meeting, or you can participate in one of our many online information sessions.


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