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Engineering and Computer Science alums come home

Engineering and Computer Science alums had a great homecoming weekend
October 11, 2010

Close to 100 alumni from Concordia’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science returned to campus for their reunion during Homecoming 2010 for what proved to be a wonderful time.

“Thank you for bugging me to come! As I get older, it sometimes takes that extra push to get me out,” retired long-time professor Dr. Graham Martin later emailed. “I thought it was excellent and I had a good time.”

“The reunion was a blast; we need to do it again before Christmas,” added Glenn Menzies, Class of 1975. “It was great to see Drs. Stan Kubina, Ed Czerny and Chris Trueman.

On Saturday, Oct. 2, alumni ‘Hit the Books’ with back-to-back presentations from two of Concordia’s distinguished faculty members. Dr. Daniel Sinnig presented some of the faculty’s software engineering research, while Dr. Luis Rodrigues spoke about aeronautics and gave alumni a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pilot the on-campus flight simulator.


The guests then came back down to earth for a cocktail reception on the 11th floor of the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (known as the EV Building). The fine autumn day allowed them to explore the terrace and admire its bird’s-eye view of downtown Montreal.


During the reception, Harald Debor from the Class of 1965 reminisced about his days at Sir George Williams University. He reminded the crowd about the Jack Bordan Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship, established in honour the first dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and encouraged fellow alumni to contribute to the fund. The following morning, on Sunday, Oct. 3rd, the ENCS alumni filled more than three tables at the President’s Reunion Brunch, at which engineering alumnus Donald Hathaway, representing the Class of 1965, spoke. The Homecoming reunion weekend wrapped up with an extensive tour of the five-year-old EV Building. “Thank you for the wonderful reunion,” Tsukasa Yoshinaka later wrote. “It was super!"

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