CJLO nominated for College Radio Awards

The folks at Concordia’s sole radio station, CJLO, have been enjoying tremendous success this year. And the student-run station is non-profit and run entirely by volunteers.
The station was listed among the top 10 local radio stations in the Montreal Mirror’s annual Best of Montreal issue (again).
In June, they were granted funds to operate an after-school radio workshop for high school students, and they’ve since been listed on iTunes radio. Most recently they were invited to the First Annual International Radio Festival in Zurich, Switzerland, from September 5 to 11.
So it’s no wonder CJLO is up for a slew of College Radio Awards, bestowed by CMJ (formerly known as the College Music Journal) based in the United States. The awards are open to all college radio stations in North America.
CJLO is the only station nominated in every category: Station Of The Year; Music Director Of The Year (Omar Husain); Specialty Music Director Of The Year (Brian Joseph); Best Use Of Limited Resources; Best Team Effort; Best Student Run Station; Biggest Champion of the Local Scene; Biggest Improvement; Best Use of the Internet; Most Love for the Game (also Omar Husain); and Best Newcomer (Adrian Warner).
CJLO can be heard at 1690 AM or on their website.
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