Artist presents third ear

Science and art will collide as Australian artist Stelarc unveils his latest creation at Concordia University this fall. Stelarc is known for using prosthetics, robotics and biotechnology to explore ways of redesigning the human body.
His latest experiment involves growing an extra ear on his arm through stem cells and surgical reconstruction. Stelarc’s "Ear in Arm" is internet-enabled to function as an acoustical organ to transmit sound to people in other places.
His exhibition will be featured until December 1 at the Media Gallery, Department of Communication Studies, CJ building 1.419, Loyola Campus, 7141 Sherbrooke St., West.
Stelarc visited Concordia on October 21 for a public vernissage and lecture and following the public unveiling, he will be involved in a week-long series of workshops with researchers from Concordia and other universities.
Researchers and students from the University of Windsor will also be involved in creating prototypes through the workshop process.
Stelarc’s visit to Concordia is organized by Fluxmedia, a network of Concordia artists and scholars engaged in interdisciplinary research.
Stelarc is chair in Performance Arts at Brunel University West London and Senior Research Fellow in the MARCS Auditory Labs at the University of Western Sydney. He was awarded the Hybrid Arts prize at Ars Electronica earlier this year and has a Special Projects Grant by the Australia Council, that country’s arts funding organization.
Related links:
• Concordia Department of Communication Studies
• Fluxmedia
Media contact:
Fiona Downey
Media Relations Advisor
Concordia University
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2518
Cell: 514-518-3336