The Hon. Leo Housakos visits Concordia
Senator has opportunity to learn more about Concordia's renewable energy technologies
October 18, 2010
The Hon. Leo Housakos' recent visit to Concordia was an opportunity for the Montreal-born Senator to meet with President Judith Woodsworth and to learn more about the university, its mission and its vision.
Senator Housakos has a keen interest in industry partnerships and renewable energy technologies and Associate VP, Government Relations, Russell Copeman gave the Senator a tour of the MB Building -- the new home of the John Molson School of Business -- where he got a first-hand glimpse of its cutting edge solar wall technology.

The Hon. Leo Housakos visited Concordia recently and met with Concordia President and Vice-Chancellor Judith Woodsworth (left). Associate VP, Government Relations, Russell Copeman, gave Mr. Housakos a tour of the MB Building (right).
Related links:
- Spotlight on solar panels, from the Concordia Journal
- The Hon. Leo Housakos