Construction full steam ahead
Guy-Metro Building construction moves to north side
Onlookers can be seen checking out the new facade of the now (partly) modern-looking Guy-Metro (GM) Building. New exterior panels cover the east side of the building, replacing the originals which were erected in the mid-‘60s.

The new panels were designed to visually integrate the building with its neighbours, the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV) and John Molson School of Business (MB) Building. They will also increase energy efficiency and reduce noise pollution.
Renovations continue at the centre of the building, which may involve the intermittent relocation of the GM Building entrance to 1515 Ste-Catherine St. W. or via the Guy Street entrance to the EV Building.
In approximately two weeks, work will proceed on renovating the west side of the building, on the corner of Guy Street and De Maisonneuve Boulevard.
A crane was installed September 26 and will remain on-site throughout the construction period. Measures have been put into place to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles, including scaffolding to create protective passageways.
The renovated GM Building, slated for completion in December 2011, will feature energy efficient windows that are double-paned within a new wall to prevent condensation and to reduce heat transfer. It will also boast improved heating, ventilation and air conditioning control, especially during the transition period between seasons as well as a new roof, a renovated lobby and refurbished elevator cabins.
Escalator project on track
Renovations to the escalators in the Henry F. Hall Building continue as scheduled with the installation of construction walls surrounding escalators between the sixth and ninth floors. As these escalators are being replaced, the main floor escalators and staircases will be accessible. Students can take the elevator from the main floor to the upper floors (priority will be given to disabled students and staff on the west elevator). The upper floors are always accessible via the stairwells. Signage indicating the location of the staircases and passenger elevators has been posted.
Escalators on the ground floor, as well as between the 10th and 12th floors, have been fully replaced and are now operational. Minor remaining work will take place between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
The project, which will involve the replacement of 17 escalators and one additional escalator on the main floor, is expected to be complete by the spring of 2013.
Related links:
• “Guy-Metro Building construction update” – NOW, September 23, 2011
• “Escalator replacement project heads into Phase 2” – NOW, September 7, 2011
• “Shuttle bus relocation: Sept. 28 – Dec. 16, 2011” – NOW, September 22, 2011