Research on display
The atrium of the John Molson School of Business (JMSB) Building will be a very busy place on November 24, when it plays host to JMSB’s third Annual Graduate Research Exposition (AGRE).

The exposition showcases the latest research findings of JMSB’s PhD and MSc in Administration students. Participating students will be presenting their work on posters mounted throughout the atrium.
While it’s rare for graduate students to get the opportunity to present their research to the academic and business communities, this event invites representatives of these communities to act as judges to select the best posters at both the MSc and PhD levels. Winners receive cash prizes.
The AGRE allows current students or recent graduates to discuss their ideas with interested parties and to receive feedback on their theses, thesis proposals or research-based seminars.

Samie Li Shang Ly, last year’s winner in the MSc category, feels that the conversations she had with judges and visitors at the AGRE had a real impact on her research. “I enjoyed many interesting discussions and received great feedback. These discussions led to improvements in my graduation thesis. It was a great feeling to know my research project can reach the public.”
The 2010 winner in the PhD category, Hani Tadros, believes that the format of the exposition compelled him to learn how to communicate the details of his work to an audience in a more clear and succinct manner. “There is a need to pass on the research ideas efficiently,” he says. “I tried to use very few words on the poster to encourage the audience to ask questions.”
JMSB’s Associate Dean of Research and Research Programs Harjeet S. Bhabra says that in addition to showcasing the talent of PhD and MSc students, the AGRE also provides the university with the occasion to reconnect with alumni who return to serve as judges for the event.
“I think the networking experience for our students, continued association with our alumni and the potential for recruiting top-ranked students to our program who get an early exposure to what academic research is all about is truly a win-win outcome for all," he says.
When: Thursday, November 24 from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Where: Atrium of the John Molson School of Business Building (1450 Guy St.), Sir George Williams Campus
Judging of the posters will occur from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Related links:
• AGRE event on Facebook
• John Molson School of Business