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Accolades for the week of February 6

Taking a look at achievements by Concordians
February 7, 2012

Norman Ingram, professor and chair of the Department of History, is pleased to share that his PhD student Marie-Eve Chagnon has recently published a substantial article in the premier American journal of French history.

“This is a real coup,” Ingram explains. “It’s one of the most difficult French history journals in North America to be published in, and for a PhD student to get an article published in there is really good.”

Titled, Le Manifeste des 93: La mobilisation des académies françaises et allemandes au déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale (1914-1915), the article appears in Vol. 35, no. 1, of French Historical Studies (Winter 2012), pp. 123-147.

Marlene Sokolon from the Department of Political Science has received the Best Paper Award from the American Political Science Association. The paper, titled Euripides' Medea: The Monstrous Justice of the Scorned, was presented in the Politics, Literature and Film section of the 2011 annual meeting of APSA.

Submitted by Csaba Nikolenyi, professor and chair of the Department of Political Science.

The Society for the Promotion of the Teaching of English as a Second Language in Quebec (SPEAQ) has honoured Concordia’s TESL unit with the SPEAQ Board of Directors Award. TESL, a part of the Department of Education, is short for Teaching English as a Second Language. 

Monique Mainella said, on behalf of the board of directors, “It was very difficult to single out just one professor or part-time instructor from Concordia's TESL team for it is the group's passion, continued support and contribution to SPEAQ that make them the worthy recipients.” She continued with the long history between Concordia’s TESL unit and SPEAQ, explaining how Concordia held the first, and very successful, SPEAQ Campus event in 1997.

She finished: “The presence of Concordia’s TESL professor and instructors has been felt by the ESL community of Quebec and especially at SPEAQ since 1973 and their presence continues to be felt with the unit’s current professors and part-time instructors that include Walcir Cardoso, Laura Collins, Teresa Fay, Elizabeth Gatbonton, Pamela Gunning, Teresa Hernandez-Gonzalez, Anne Hetheringtom, Marlise Horst, Sara Kennedy, Michèle Langlois, Kim McDonough, Pavel Trofimovich and Joanna White.”

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