Concordia renames college

Concordia University’s long-standing commitment to sustainability is demonstrated yet again through the renaming of one of its respected colleges. The university’s Senate and Board of Governors have approved a change that allows Loyola International College to become the Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability.
“The newly renamed Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability will continue to foster the unique educational experience students have come to recognize as the hallmark of Concordia’s colleges”, says Frederick Lowy, President and Vice-Chancellor of Concordia.
Last fall, the college, located on the Loyola Campus, opened a new academic program, a Minor in Sustainability. More than 30 students are currently enrolled in the interdisciplinary program that considers 21st-century challenges such as protecting the planet’s biodiversity and allowing cultures to thrive within the increasingly global economy. These students join close to 90 others already pursuing a Minor in Diversity and the Contemporary World at the college.
Loyola International College opened in 2002 with the aim of providing an environment in which societal issues could be examined from multiple perspectives in a small group setting. Over the past decade, students enrolled in any of Concordia’s four faculties have enjoyed fruitful exchanges in classes tackling subjects such as culture and communication, science and the contemporary world, and globalization and diversity.
The international dimension of the college is most evident during the annual conferences, organized jointly with Siena College in New York State and held alternately at Concordia and Siena.
The next conference is set for March 30 and 31. Sustainability: Rio +20 will bring students and faculty together from the two institutions and include presentations by keynote speakers Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada, and Damon Matthews, a professor in Concordia's Department of Geography, Planning and Environment. His research focuses on climate change and its impact. Both keynote speeches are open to the public with no charge for admission.
When: Friday, March 30, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday, March 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Room SP-S110, Richard J. Renaud Science Complex (SP Building),
Loyola Campus (7141 Sherbrooke W.)
Related Links:
• “Earth Summit celebrates 20 years” – NOW, March 20, 2012
• Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability
• Concordia Department of Geography, Planning & Environment
• Siena College