New tool provides current academic standing
Students can now quickly and conveniently check out where they stand in their academic program. A new online Degree Audit System puts the information in the hands of graduate and undergraduate students through the student portal.
The system, created by Enrolment Services in conjunction with Instructional and Information Technology Services, enables students to compare the list of courses they have completed with the courses that they need to take to complete a degree. Students may access the system by logging into the MyConcordia student portal and then clicking on Academic.

The system mimics program requirements shown in the university calendars so the look is familiar to students and is easy to use. Program requirements can vary depending on the year the student was admitted, so the content is tailored to each individual student. The system was tested a month ago by 1,800 students, and revised based on student feedback.
Interim Registrar Terry Too says one of the major advantages is that students can see where they stand in their program at any time. In addition, the audit system allows the student to play out a “what if” scenario if they are considering switching one major for another.
“As an example, if you switch from a history major to an English major, the system can quickly show you what courses you have taken that can apply to the new major, and what other courses you would need to take.” It provides students with a quick and efficient way to explore their academic options.
The Interim Registrar emphasizes that one of the key benefits is that the system is also available to academic advisors. It frees up time for the advisor to focus on true academic advising for the student, rather than losing time on the clerical task of matching information in the university calendars with the courses the student has taken.
The Degree Audit System is a key step towards improving the quality of advising as it provides the student with a self-service tool and, when advice from an academic advisor is required, it facilitates the process for the advisor to provide better service to students, in line with the university’s strategic framework of providing an outstanding student experience, and in accordance with the Academic Plan.
“It is important to students and their advisors to know quickly where students stand in their program of study,” says Interim Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning Lisa Ostiguy. “This system will help us serve the needs of our community and improve the student experience, which represents a main focus of the Academic Plan.” Ostiguy points out that it will also help students achieve their academic goals and make the most of opportunities at the university.
Terry Too expects that the system will be used year-round by students and encourages students to email to provide feedback and ask questions.
Related links:
• MyConcordia portal
• Concordia's Academic Plan
• Concordia's Strategic Framework