We're changing NOW
Welcome to the second year of the Concordia NOW student e-newsletter. As the new editor of this online publication, I want to make sure you are getting the kind of information you want and need to know.

My jumping-off point is the survey that more than 5,000 of you completed last fall. Its purpose was to determine the efficacy of current communications tools with a view to improving them.
You told us that receiving news about events and notable dates is very important to you and you’d like more of it. We are redesigning the landing page for NOW news and events to ensure that events receive greater prominence; it will be launched later this fall.
You told us you’d like a more frequent newsletter; so as of September 6, we have moved the monthly newsletter to a bi-weekly schedule. Opinions about when the e-newsletter should be published varied among respondents. So, while taking into account production requirements and the news flow, we are looking at ways of meeting your requests by providing you with more frequent news on a regular basis.
Currently, stories are continually posted on the NOW webpage and are included in the NOW e-newsletter. I invite you to subscribe to our RSS feed to get regular updates when stories are posted online.
In the meantime, I ask you to keep us informed of possible stories and to offer suggestions about how NOW and the NOW e-newsletter can serve you better. Please contact me by e-mail or by calling 514-848-2424, ext. 5774. We look forward to working with you.
Stephanie Whittaker
Editor of publications, University Communications Services