Reminder to use official university addresses
The university's official mailing address for the Sir George Williams Campus is 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. (or in French, 1455, boul. De Maisonneuve O.) because the mailroom is located in the Henry F. Hall Building. The official mailing address for the Loyola Campus is 7141 Sherbrooke St. W. (or 7141, rue Sherbrooke O.).

Until recently, mail addressed to the street addresses of other buildings was automatically redirected to the mailroom as a courtesy service by Canada Post.
Now that Canada Post is automating mail processing, this service is no longer offered. To receive mail in a timely manner, the university's official address MUST be used. If not, the piece will be eventually returned to the sender to be re-addressed, which can cause significant delays and can incur costs for the university.
Ideally, mail is addressed to the official address along with a contact name, a department name and an internal address (annex or building letter(s) and room number). This facilitates sorting by mailroom employees.
The only time use of a building address is suitable is for a courier or delivery service that requires a signature on a waybill.
For any questions or comments, contact Mail Services at 514-848-2424, ext. 3489.