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Sustainable Champions Gala

Concordia sustainability hub extends an invitation to awards ceremony
February 19, 2013
By Chantal Forgues, Sustainability Coordinator

The champions who were present to accept their awards on March 9. Front row (left) Alex Oster and Laurence Fauteux. Back row: Judith Walls, Gerry Barrette, Gerald Beasley, Yves Gilbert and Martin Racine. | Photo by Graham Bradley
The champions who were present to accept their awards on March 9, 2012. Front row (left) Alex Oster and Laurence Fauteux. Back row: Judith Walls, Gerry Barrette, Gerald Beasley, Yves Gilbert and Martin Racine. | Photo by Graham Bradley

The third annual Sustainable Champions Gala, organized by the Concordia Sustainability Hub, will take place Tuesday, March 5 and the Concordia community is invited.

Members of the Concordia Sustainability Hub include the Concordia Student Union, the David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, the Environmental Health, Safety and Security department, the John Molson Sustainable Business Group, the Sustainability Action Fund, the Sustainable Communities Partnership, and Sustainable Concordia.

Concordia’s President and Vice-Chancellor Alan Shepard will welcome guests, especially the students, staff, and faculty members who will be thanked and celebrated for their diverse contributions towards the university’s social, ecological and economic well-being.

The Sustainable Champions Gala was created to show Concordia’s collective gratitude to its ambassadors of change. The gala provides an opportunity to express appreciation to those involved in sustainability endeavours throughout Concordia as well as in the surrounding community.

It is also an occasion to raise the overall profile of sustainability on campus, and to encourage dialogue and collaboration regarding other potential initiatives.

What: Tuesday, March 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Room H-763, Henry F. Hall Building (1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.), Sir George Williams Campus
Registration: RSVP by Sunday, March 3, at

After the awards ceremony, hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served to give everyone an opportunity to meet others at the university interested in sustainability.

Related links:
•    Concordia Student Union
•    David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise
•    Environmental Health & Safety
•    John Molson Sustainable Business Group (JSG)
•    Sustainability Action Fund
•    Sustainable Communities Partnership
•    Sustainable Concordia

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