"Help us to help you"

With almost 50,000 people, Concordia’s population is larger than most Quebec municipalities, and everyone’s safety is overseen by the university’s Office of Emergency Management.
“Of course not everybody is on campus at the same time, but that makes it more challenging,” says Darren Dumoulin, Emergency Management’s senior advisor.
With Emergency Preparedness Week starting Sunday, May 5, Dumoulin is asking students, faculty and staff to review Concordia’s safety procedures and ensure their contact information is up-to-date and complete.
Students can arrange to obtain text messages relating to any emergency situations at Concordia by clicking on Messaging in the MyConcordia portal to provide Emergency Management with their cellphone numbers.
Faculty and staff members are urged to ensure their office, cell and home numbers are current, along with their building location, by supplying or verifying the information in my empath in the MyConcordia portal.
Keeping this information up to date isn’t easy with Concordia’s population in regular flux.
“The last time we checked, we identified inaccurate or inadequate information for 2,000 people whom we couldn’t readily contact if something happened,” Dumoulin says. “Help us to help you.”
Emergency Management’s mission is to reduce everyone’s vulnerability and sensitivity to hazards and risks by minimizing these as much as possible in the first place. Having everyone know what to do is a crucial step.

“If a fire alarm sounds, for example, leave the building,” Dumoulin says. “Don’t wait for someone to confirm whether it’s a real emergency.”
All emergency procedures are outlined on the Emergency Management web page.
“Review everything that could apply to you,” Dumoulin urges. “If you’re handling chemicals, for example, read the section on hazardous materials.”
The information prompts everyone to pose ‘what if’ scenarios.
“By knowing, for instance, where the exits are for every room you occupy, you won’t be a step behind others if something occurs,” Dumoulin says. “Those seconds can be crucial.”
Emergency Preparedness Week is also a good time to check whether everyone’s home and office have the supplies necessary to get by for least 72 hours in case of a power outage or other emergency. The recent shelter-in-place order by Boston police emphasizes the need to always have water, food and other essentials.
For medical emergencies, Dumoulin recommends phoning the Security Department at 514-848-3717. Security will immediately transfer the call to 911, but will also clearly identify the location for all first responders.
“Not everyone knows the civic address for campus buildings,” Dumoulin emphasizes. “Security will clear the way for first responders and help with their own medical training and equipment until paramedics arrive.”
Dumoulin reminds all students, faculty and staff to inform Emergency Management through the MyConcordia portal’s Travel link if they leave Quebec for more than 24 hours on any university-related activities, such as exchange programs, conferences or training courses.
When major earthquakes recently struck Iran and China, Emergency Management immediately checked whether anyone from Concordia was affected. The same was done when political unrest erupted in Egypt. “If we know where you are, we can be the first to reach out to you with possible help,” Dumoulin says.
Anyone without a cellphone number registered with Concordia can obtain updates on emergency situations by calling 514-848-8800 for a recorded message that is updated regularly. Updates are also Tweeted via the Emergency Management Twitter account, @Concordia911.
Related links:
• Update your profile on the MyConcordia portal
• What to do in an emergency at Concordia
• Concordia University Emergency Management
• Concordia University Emergency Management on Facebook
• First aid, CPR, first responder and fire prevention courses