Student Services survey iPad mini winner named

Raquibul Hassan Siddiquee is a master’s student in quality systems engineering, with just one term to go before graduation. When he learned he was the lucky winner of an iPad mini for answering the recent Student Services survey, he was surprised and grateful.
“The iPad is a great tool for accessing tons of useful apps but for me the flexibility to access job-search tips and opportunities on the go is really helpful,” he says. “As a student who struggles with financial means, I could not justify such a purchase for myself.”
A co-operative education student looking for an industrial work term this summer, Raquibul will use all tools at his disposal to land the perfect opportunity and the iPad mini is a welcome addition to his toolbox.
About the survey
The Student Services survey, conducted in January 2013, asked students if they were aware of the wide range of support services offered on campus and to share their opinions of them. Like many surveys conducted over the academic year, an iPad mini was offered as an incentive to obtain feedback from students.
More than 10,000 students completed the survey; thousands of open comments were also submitted.
“We were excited to see this response,” says Howard Magonet, director of Counselling and Development in Student Services. “The insight we’ll gain from this rich feedback is invaluable for not only improving our services to students but in creating new ways to best support student needs.
“Some key issues and themes emerged from preliminary analysis,” he added, “but we’ll be digging through the data over the next few months to further inform service programs and their delivery next year. Watch this space.”
One thing students can count on is a consolidation of transactions that can be performed at the renovated Birks Student Service Centre when it reopens in August. Some services related to financial aid and awards, administrative tasks for international students and student accounts management will be in place when the fall term kicks off.
“Working more closely with students to create the services they want and need is a priority,” says Dean of Students Andrew Woodall. His office supports student groups and their leadership development. “The new Sexual Assault Resource Centre that will open this fall is a good example of the results-oriented collaboration with students that we hope to encourage.”
Raquibul is an engaged student
So what did Raquibul know about Student Services? Turns out he’s an active and engaged participant. As a volunteer note-taker for Concordia’s Access Centre for Students with Disabilities (ACSD), he is aware of the many forms of support available to assist students’ academic success and enhance the quality of student life.
“I am happy to help students with disabilities to take notes in class and the staff at ACSD are doing really good work,” he says.
Stay tuned for future articles that will reveal more interesting feedback from the survey.
Get to know your Student Services
Concordia’s Student Services encompass a wide range of support centres and programs to support academic success, learning through work-study and skills development, and to create opportunities for students to get involved in rewarding campus life activities.
Take a moment to get to know your Student Services – and get ready to engage in your total student experience.
Some opportunities to either get help or get involved include:
• Tutoring and mentoring
• Volunteering in the community
• Leadership in student clubs and associations
• Financial aid and awards; bursaries to learn French
• Participation in sports and recreation activities
• Health services and psychological counselling
Related links:
• Concordia Student Services
• LIVE Centre
• Career Resource Centre
• Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL)
• “Helping students manage their money” — NOW, April 25, 2013
• “Reducing barriers for every student” — NOW, April 30, 2013 (Profile of the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities)
• Concordia’s Institute for Co-operative Education