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Fall orientation 2013: your cheat sheet

How to kick off the academic year in style
July 25, 2013
By Tom Peacock

OrientationOrientation offers a wealth of information to incoming students. | Photo by Concordia University

For new students, the beginning of term can be a blur of classrooms, schedules, fees and textbooks. Don’t wait for confusion to set in: let Student Services’ orientation programs tell you the what, where, when, who and how of life at Concordia right away.

Download the Discover Concordia Orientation Newsletter for a complete list of the many available events, activities, sessions and seminars. Some start as early as August 1, so sign up now to reserve a place.

According to Howard Magonet, director of Counselling and Development, “Each program offers something different. We recommend that you attend as many as you can.”

The highlights include:

Discover Concordia Orientations
These events offer essential information about fees, forms and deadlines. You will also get the chance to meet student leaders and senior administrators — including the president — as well as learn about resources and services, and pick up a few tricks for academic success.

The three Discover Concordia events will take place August 27, 28 and 29; they are specific to your faculty and advanceregistration is required.

Start Right
This four-part program familiarizes you with the studying and learning skills you’ll need to succeed.

Student Success Check-Up
A series of personalized sessions that help you identify your strengths and potential challenges before you embark on your studies.

Graduate Students Orientation
Designed specifically for graduate students, this session on September 4 includes presentations, panels, workshops and networking opportunities.

Mentor Tour ’n’ Talk
Connect with Student Success Mentors (seasoned Concordia students) during a 60-minute tour of key locations. The mentors share what they’ve learned during their time at the university: where to go, what to do — and perhaps even a few well-kept campus secrets. You can also contact mentors at the Student Success Centre.

Additional sessions for international students
If you’re an international student, you must attend an information session at the International Students Office. View thecomplete schedule to choose a date and time that suits you.

Further activities for all new students include:

Information sessions specific to your faculty or department
Concordia’s academic departments each have their own orientation and advising programs, many of which are mandatory. Check your department’s website for more information.

Frosh and student-run events 
The Concordia Student Union has a full slate of fun activities planned for the beginning of term, plus student clubs and faculty associations are hosting Frosh Week events throughout September.

Check the websites of the individual associations — including, in the case of grads, the Graduate Students’ Association — for more information.

Related links:
•    Student Services
•    Discover Orientation Newsletter
•    Discover Concordia Orientations
•    Student Success Centre 
•    International Students Office 
•    Concordia Student Union 
•    Graduate Students' Association

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