5 ways the Co-Curricular Record will make your skills shine

Concordia’s Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official transcript that recognizes the volunteer work, community activities and internships you complete in the course of your university studies.
It’s better than a letter of recommendation because it documents your entire history of extracurricular engagement in a single document — showcasing the practical skills and experience you developed, and the positive contributions you made to the community. It attracts the right kind of attention when you’re applying for jobs, for grants and bursaries, for graduate school and for fellowship opportunities.
Here are five ways the CCR can boost your profile:
1. It beefs up your resumé
Don’t be shy about strutting your stuff. The CCR shows that you are a reliable, skilled individual who’s dedicated to making a difference: it’s a strong complement to your academic success.
2. It highlights your skills
Communication, leadership, planning and project management are among the key skills you can develop in internships and volunteer work.
Be strategic about choosing these activities: you’ll rack up invaluable experience that will help you transition to the workforce. The CCR is an efficient, effective way to document what you’ve learned.
3. It gives you credibility
If you’re hoping to secure grants and bursaries, the CCR highlights the credibility you built through your involvement in the university community.
It’s a document that officially recognizes your achievements and the connections you've made. It could help start conversations that will bring you closer to achieving your goals.
4. It makes it easy for employers
The CCR’s online database allows employers to learn more about you.
This speeds up the process when you are being considered for a position, and makes the verification of your credentials a simple, straightforward process.
5. It’s good for grad school
Are you thinking of applying to a professional school, or for a fellowship? As well as the usual benefits, the CCR can help you identify gaps in your professional development and provide focus.
For more information, stop by Concordia's Volunteer Fair on October 2 to discover dozens of opportunities that qualify for your Co-Curricular Record.
The Student Services table will highlight on-campus activities: that’s where you’ll find Paul Goubko from the Dean of Students Office. He’ll tell you everything you need to know about starting your CCR.
Or learn more about the CCR online.