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Bien sûr, we recycle here!

University recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC
October 20, 2014
By Shelagh Peden

The university was first recognized for its recycling efforts in 2007. Here, students perform an annual waste audit The university was first recognized for its recycling efforts in 2007. In the picture above, students perform an annual waste audit. | Photo by Concordia University

The university’s sustainability efforts have been recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC, a Quebec government corporation.

Concordia is among five other universities named to Level 2 of the ICI ON RECYCLE! program. ICI stands for les Industries, les Commmerces et les Institutions (industrial, commercial and institutional). This certification is valid for two years.

The levels

The Commitment Level (1) recognizes businesses that have made a commitment to put sustainable measures into place.

Level 2, Implementation, recognizes businesses that have put recycling procedures in place and taught its members to follow these procedures. This is the largest category.

Companies that have already achieved a high performance in waste management, such as reusing and diverting waste, are recognized at Level 3, Performance. This is the smallest category because it has the most rigourous standards.

Highlighted initiatives

Among the many initiatives highlighted in the application for certification are the composter on the Loyola Campus and the new water-bottle filling stations on both campuses.

In 2008, Concordia showed its commitment to recovering waste by becoming Quebec’s first institution to install an on-site industrial composter. Organic waste is collected from kitchens, cafeterias, restaurants, cafés and various public areas on campus.

In 2013, Concordia upgraded 56 water fountains with bottle fillers to encourage tap water use and reduce unnecessary plastic waste with bottled water consumption.

Why aren’t we in Level 3, you ask?

Top-level certification requires diverting a minimum of 70 per cent of recoverable material from the landfill. In 2012-13, when Concordia last conducted a university-wide audit, 56 per cent of recoverable materials were composted and recycled.

Fear not. We’re well on our way to reaching Level 3 in 2016. Another initiative highlighted in our application was the office waste reduction pilot project in the Guy-Metro Building: by removing trash bins from offices on three floors and implementing composting bins in kitchenettes and in washrooms for paper towels, 80 per cent of waste was diverted from landfills to compost and recycling.

Did you know? Concordia was the first university to be certified ICI on recycle by Recyc-Quebec in 2007.

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