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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Exposcience and Science Summit spark interest for the next generation

Concordia students reveal the magic of chemistry, engineering, physics and biology at fairs, summer camps and lab visits
December 3, 2014
By Sara DuBreuil

Putting the “fun” in fundamental particles, Concordia students prove the theory that science is exciting. Putting the “fun” in fundamental particles, Concordia students prove the theory that science is exciting.


For some young people, science can seem overwhelming. The stigma can start in school and continue into high school, depending on their teachers’ enthusiasm and their access to resources. That’s why Concordia is involved in several initiatives to dispel this myth by teaching and promoting science to youths through events like summer camps, fairs and tours of Concordia’s labs. The goal is to create an interest in the field, not only for those on a scientific career path, but for any curious student.

This fall, Concordia held two events committed to the interactive promotion of science: the Science Summit, held on October 24, and Exposcience, which occurred on November 1-2.

Science Summit

The Science Summit is a new initiative that brought CEGEP students and their teachers to Concordia, where they had the chance to discover what it’s like to research in Concordia’s science labs. They also had the opportunity to conduct guided experiments.

“For the Science Summit, science should be read broadly, in that we’re looking to provide opportunities in pure and applied, as well as social sciences and other disciplines,” says Bradley Tucker, vice-president of Registrarial Service.

Due to growing interest from the CEGEP level, the Science Summit is now looking to expand into placements where college students from the Montreal area could gain experience in Concordia’s labs.

“The initiative aims to introduce college students to Concordia’s state-of-the-art facilities. When it comes time for them to choose a university, they’ll be aware of everything we have to offer,” says Tucker.


Celebrating its 31st anniversary in November of this year, Exposcience successfully brought together Concordia science students volunteers, young children and their parents. The exhibits and activities are designed to instil in the children an early interest in science and technology. Exposcience also gives Concordia students the chance to positively influence young people while showcasing what they’re learning.

Behind the event are Miriam Posner and Cameron Tilson, who have both been involved in Exposcience for more than 30 years. They share a passion for teaching kids about science and say the positive feedback they receive is highly rewarding.

“It makes me proud to be a Concordian,” says Tilson, the assistant director for Institutional Planning. “And it takes me back to my own academic roots in the sciences as a Concordia graduate.”

Tilson shared the story of a Concordia engineering graduate, now in a successful career in aerospace, who remembered coming to Exposcience in the early 1990s. He believes the event played a large part in both his choice of career and university.

Posner added that Exposcience is family-oriented and that children and their parents engage in learning with Concordia’s student volunteers.

“One can’t help but be energized by the enthusiasm of our students,” says Posner, the technical supervisor for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, “and by the expressions of fascination in the faces of children as they begin to take in and understand science and technology and see that it can be fun!”

Interested in science? Concordia has introduced a science foundation certificate.


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