January 26: get ready for Concordia’s new Student Information System

With only 19 days left before the big switch to an entirely new Student Information System (SIS), faculty and staff are looking forward to a new working and learning environment.
The new SIS is a software package from Oracle/PeopleSoft called Campus Solutions that will replace SIMS — the university’s 32-year-old legacy system.
It’s an institution-wide transformation that will completely change the interactive relationship that students have with the university, while also offering improved access to key information for faculty and staff.
Supporting the transition
The SIS team is working hard to facilitate a smooth transition. Even though the new system is relatively easy to use, it is an entirely different online environment to SIMS.
There will be a period of adjustment while users adapt and find out how to work in the SIS. Faculty and staff are kindly reminded to complete the SIS self-study modules on Moodle.
Find out more about how to prepare on the SIS Renewal Hub. If you do not have access to the modules, please contact sisproject@concordia.ca.
The approach to support
Staff and faculty are used to asking questions of individuals in the relevant department.
The approach to supporting the new SIS will be the same. Users will be able to raise issues and direct questions to Super Users within their departments or units. Any issues that cannot be resolved at the front line will then be escalated by the Super Users through the IITS Help Desk to the sustainment team that will handle functional issues.
Technical issues (e.g. “My browser isn’t working,” or “I can’t log on”) will continue to be supported by IITS.
Teaching faculty
Faculty members will report issues or direct questions to department assistants who will be trained to help, and who can contact other Super Users for more guidance, if necessary. Any unresolved issues will be forwarded to the sustainment team, according to the nature of the request.
Faculty administrators
Super Users in the deans’ offices will support administrative staff in academic departments. Any unresolved issues will be forwarded to the sustainment team, according to the nature of the request.
Major administrative units, such as Enrolment Services, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid and Awards, have Super Users on staff to handle issues at the front line. Any unresolved issues will be forwarded to the sustainment team, according to the nature of the request.
Support for students
The SIS features an improved self-service portal for students to help them manage administrative tasks more effectively. It is easy to navigate and intuitive; a series of how-to guides will be available on Concordia’s Student Hub in early January.
To find out more about the countdown to the new Student Information System, go to the SIS Renewal Project Hub on Cspace.