Hotline for registration help

EDITOR'S NOTE: Please note that the temporary hotline service is no longer available. If you have questions about registration, call Enrolment Services at: (514) 848-2424 ext. 2668. If you're having technical issues or trouble logging into the MyConcordia Portal, contact IITS by email at:
A hotline to call with your questions about registering in the My Student Centre portal will be open from Wednesday, November 25 until Tuesday, December 22, 2016.
The line will reopen after the holidays, on Tuesday, January 5, and will remain open until the Did Not Enter (DNE) deadline on Tuesday, January 19.
The Registration Hotline number is: 514-848-2424, extension 2200
The hotline’s hours are from Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
On Tuesday, January 19, the line will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Call this extension if you need help navigating the portal to complete your class registration. You can also learn How to Register for a Course, and dozens of related tasks by referring to the many How-to guides on the SIS information page.
Please note that you must see an academic advisor if there are any holds or blocks on your file restricting registration. There may be some requirements that you need to complete or validate. The Registration Help team cannot lift any restrictions, but can point you to the right contact as needed.
Reminder: January 19 is the Did Not Enter (DNE) deadline for withdrawal with full tuition refund from winter‑term 2016 courses. It is also the last day to add a course for the winter term.
See Remove your Name from a Waitlist and Swapping and Dropping a Course in the new Student Information System for more information.