Instafamous, on and off campus

When you view things in a new way, it can change your whole perspective. This is what June student Instagram curator, Khatidja Kassam, hopes to do with her photos.
Enrolled in the John Molson School of Business MBA program, Khatidja is new to Concordia and to Montreal. She just finished her first term here and is looking to reveal unique and wonderful views, events and activities, both on and off campus.

Khatidja is the second participant in Concordia’s newly launched student-powered Instagram curation program: #CUseenby. One student per month will get to capture the heart and soul of our school and show followers of the Concordia University Instagram account their view of our campuses, people, programs, activities and experiences.
Follow Khatidja’s journey via the #CUseenby hashtag.

Khatidja Kassam: ‘Concordia through the eyes of an international student and newcomer in Montreal’
“I started being more involved on Instagram less than a year ago, when travelling back home in the Ivory Coast or in France,” she says. “When I arrived in Montreal in January, taking pictures was a way for me to discover the city and its winter atmosphere.
“I quickly realised that Montrealers were very active on social media and were proud of showing their city. It encouraged me to take regular pictures and try to be part of this digital photographers’ community.

“My goal is to provide followers with a view of Concordia campus and surroundings through the eyes of an international student and newcomer in Montreal. I would like people who have been living here for ages to be surprised and see their neighbourhood from a different angle.
“The downtown area with its urban jungle is full of visual opportunities… but nature is always around the corner in Montreal — be it at Mount Royal or the Lachine Canal.”
Interested in becoming a student Instagram curator? Share your Concordia campus experience. Tag an Instagram photo with #CUinstagram. If we like your stuff, we’ll be in touch!