Concordia congratulates 47 faculty who received tenure and promotions

As testament to their commitment to academic excellence, teaching and scholarship — 47 faculty members were recently approved for promotion and/or tenure during the May 20 meeting of Concordia’s Board of Governors.
For faculty who received letters confirming this milestone achievement, the recognition marks years of exceptional work.
“They have set high academic standards and performed superbly in their teaching, research and service endeavours to our community and beyond,” says Jorgen Hansen, vice-provost of Faculty Relations. “The culmination of their continued excellence is the receipt of tenure and/or promotions.”
“We’re very fortunate to have gifted faculty representing our university whose life work brings such valuable contributions to the academic community. Please join me in congratulating them,” says Graham Carr, interim provost and vice-president of Academic Affairs.
Faculty who received tenure and promotions
Concordia Libraries
Promotion to senior librarian
Melinda Reinhart, Concordia Libraries
Faculty of Arts and Science
Promotion to professor
Elizabeth L. Miller, Department of Communication Studies
Walcir Cardoso, Department of Education
Saul Carliner, Department of Education
Jill Didur, Department of English
Andre Furlani, Department of English
Sylvain David, Département d’études françaises
Damon Matthews, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment
Alison Rowley, Department of History
Lynda Clarke, Department of Religion
Norman Ravvin, Department of Religion
Paul Allen, Department of Theological Studies
Tenure and promotion to associate professor
Huan Xie, Department of Economics
Holly Recchia, Department of Education
Andreas Bergdahl, Department of Exercise Science
Thanh Dang-Vu, Department of Exercise Science
Peter Darlington, Department of Exercise Science
Sylvia Santosa, Department of Exercise Science
Max Bergholz, Department of History
Jean-Philippe Gouin, Department of Psychology
Hillary Kaell, Department of Religion
Susan Cahill, School of Canadian Irish Studies
Louellyn White, School of Community and Public Affairs
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Promotion to professor
Ashutosh Bagchi, Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Abdessamad Ben Hamza, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Jamal Bentahar, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Nizar Bouguila, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Otmane Ait Mohamed, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Luis Rodrigues, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ali Akgunduz, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Sivakumar Narayanswamy, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Tenure and promotion to associate professor
Anjan Bhowmick, Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hua Ge, Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lan Lin, Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Zhenhua Zhu, Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mohammad Mannan, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Ivan Contreras, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
John Molson School of Business
Promotion to professor
Thomas J. Walker, Department of Finance
Kathleen Boies, Department of Management
Tenure and promotion to associate professor
Alexandra Panaccio, Department of Management
Tieshan Lee, Department of Marketing
Faculty of Fine Arts
Promotion to professor
Kristina Huneault, Department of Art History
Roy Cross, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
Haidee Wasson, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
Tenure and promotion to associate professor
Carmela Cucuzzella, Department of Design and Computation Arts
Ursula Neuerburg-Denzer, Department of Theatre
Laurel Young, Department of Creative Arts Therapies
Faculty members who received tenure and promotions will be publicly recognized at a celebration hosted by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs in fall 2016.