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‘Tis the season … for a flu shot!

Call Health Services at 514-848-2424, ext. 5276, to book your appointment today
October 24, 2016

At Concordia, we share a lot of things. The flu should not be one of them.

“Influenza is not a mild illness,” says Health Promotion Specialist Gaby Szabo.

“You’re aggressively ill with symptoms of severe fatigue and fever for up to a week, and rundown for two or three weeks after that. You’re unable to function: you’re stuck in bed.”

The professionals at Concordia’s Health Services recommend that everyone get the flu shot, every year; the Public Health Agency of Canada agrees.

A flu vaccine is especially important for:

  • People who are at high risk of complications
  • People who are more likely to spread the flu to people who are at high risk of complications (e.g. if you are doing a placement with a high-risk population, or if you live with a vulnerable person)

Getting the flu shot will reduce your chance of getting the flu or spreading it to others. If you do catch the flu, being vaccinated can make the illness less severe.

You can receive your flu shot on November 15, 21 and 22 in the atrium of the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV), and on November 23 in the Loyola Chapel (FC-110).

The flu shot is free for those who meet certain criteria. Otherwise, the vaccine costs $20.

To book an appointment, call
Concordia Health Services at 514-848-2424, ext. 5276 today. For lots more information — including the latest on additional dates, as well as where you and your family can go elsewhere in Montreal — see Concordia’s flu vaccine page



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