Wanted: your input on academic integrity

In the spirit of Concordia’s commitment to academic honesty, responsibility and fairness, the Office of the Provost is launching community-wide surveys on academic integrity this fall.
The surveys follow on the heels of focus-group discussions that will be held this spring and summer, as part of the same initiative.
“We’re an institution that prides itself on providing an educational experience rooted in the values of academic integrity,” says Catherine Bolton, vice-provost of Teaching and Learning.
“We have to ensure that our students and faculty have access to the knowledge, tools and support they need to continue producing original scholarly work and research.”
Bolton adds that this also means providing faculty and staff with easy access to what they need in order to assist students.
By engaging community members in these discussions, Bolton’s team hopes to identify and provide additional support and resources that can be applied to uphold the university’s Academic Code of Conduct.
If you would like to learn more about upcoming academic integrity consultations, contact the project team via email at academicintegrity@concordia.ca.