Looking to boost your français? (Or anglais?)

Want to brush up on your French or perfect your English? Concordia’s Student Success Centre can help.
Starting September 11, the centre is offering informal daily conversation groups on the Sir George Williams Campus in both official languages.
Led by peer tutors, the chat groups are intended to provide second language learners with a fun, casual space to practise speaking.
New to the language of love? Check out “Jazz-ons for beginners,” held from 4 to 5 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday in Room H-440 of the Henry F. Hall Building.
For those who already know some French but are looking to build their skills, “Jazz-ons” will be held Monday through Friday in Room H-662 from 3 to 4 p.m.
“We really encourage anyone, especially international students who are thinking about staying and working in Canada, to come to these meet-ups early on,” says Laura Mitchell, director of the SSC.
“The last thing we want is to have students realize in their last term they could have been learning French all along, whether with us, with the support of Oui Can Help in the Département d’études françaises or with GradProSkills.”
The SSC also offers English equivalents dubbed “Talk Times,” held Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12 to 1 p.m. in Room H-662.
Tuesday sessions are called “Talk n’ Learn,” and offer a more structured topical session in Room H-440.
What’s more, there’s no need to register for any of these meet-ups, just drop by with your student ID.
“I think the reason these chat groups are so popular is because of how easygoing they are. They take the intimidation out of improving language skills by offering a comfortable and fun space to do it in,” Mitchell says.
“The groups are meant to get students out of their shells through interesting discussions on anything from the weather to hockey, movies and food. They’re geared to be fun and engaging!”
Beyond chat groups, the SSC offers students the opportunity to meet with learning specialists one-on-one to go over their English and French essay-writing and oral presentation skills. Make an appointment with a learning specialist today!
Find out more about Concordia's Student Success Centre and other language training services offered by Career and Planning Services and GradProSkills.