Times Higher Education: ENCS is in the global top 300

For the first time ever, Concordia has earned a place in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2018 World University Rankings by Subject in the field of engineering and technology.
The university ranked 251-300 out of 500 institutions worldwide, and 13-19 among 25 Canadian universities, beating out rival Quebec post-secondary institutions Université de Laval and Université de Sherbrooke.
The engineering and technology subject ranking includes a wide range of narrower subject areas, namely general engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, civil engineering and chemical engineering.
The subject rankings use the same set of 13 performance indicators classified under five categories that are employed in the overall THE World University Rankings — teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income.
Concordia’s first time on the list of ranked engineering programs follows the recent founding of the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, rounding out the faculty’s comprehensive research and teaching portfolios.
“The work being done in our departments fosters excellence in research, promotes its dissemination through scholarly publications and tests the traditional boundaries of knowledge,” says Amir Asif, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.
Concordia also placed in the 301-400 category for social science subjects and in the 201-250 category for arts and humanities subjects this year.
Find out more about programs in Concordia’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ENCS).