96 business students, 24 universities, 14 countries ... and 1 winning team!

This month, Concordia is once again hosting the world’s largest international business undergraduate case competition.
The annual student-run John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition (JMUCC) begins February 18. The event pits 96 students from 24 of the world’s top business schools against each other.
“Every year, we receive more and more applications for participation,” says Ece Dusunmez, the organizing committee’s vice-president of External Affairs.
“Selecting the schools that take part is increasingly difficult. This year, we’ve put a particular emphasis on selecting programs that have historically performed well. We hope this makes it the most competitive edition yet!”
The organizing team of 10 students from the John Molson School of Business (JMSB) is responsible for every aspect of the program, including logistics and corporate sponsorship. They are supported by 48 volunteers and more than 100 judges, who are members of the business community.
“Our closing ceremony will be focused on our 10-year history,” says Kim Chanel Vallée-Séguin, JMUCC president.
“We’ll be celebrating the past but also looking towards the future. We’ve invited past presidents, long-time board members and everyone who has helped this become the premier event that it is today.”
'Cases will challenge participants like never before'
Vallée-Séguin notes that many new sponsors have signed on this year and that there are three first-time participants among the schools that were chosen.
“The cases we’ve written this year in collaboration with our case sponsors will challenge participants like never before,” says Lauren Bernardo, the committee’s vice-president of Academic Affairs.
“One of our goals was to focus on various industries and areas of business. We want to keep contestants on their toes to get them thinking outside the box.”
JMUCC is one of four major case contests hosted by JMSB. The MBA International Case Competition organized by students in the MBA program took place in January.
The sixth annual Engineering and Commerce Case Competition (ECCC) unites engineering and business undergraduate students to fuel new ideas. It will run from March 6 to 10.
The Van Berkom JMSB Small-Cap Case Competition focuses on small-cap investment and is open to undergraduate and graduate students. It takes place on March 23 and 24 this year.
All case events are open and free to the public.
Attend the competition, February 18-24, or watch it all live on the JMUCC website.