'Thank you for participating in Concordia’s sexual violence awareness and prevention training'

Dear Concordia community,
Friday, October 4, was the deadline by which all Concordia faculty, staff and students were required to take the mandatory sexual violence awareness and prevention training that we introduced university-wide in August.
I’m extremely proud to report that the overwhelming majority of the Concordia community answered this important call to action.
To the more than 40,000 individuals — students, faculty and staff — who completed the training on time, thank you.
Sexual violence awareness and prevention training is a legal requirement as outlined by Bill 151. But even more importantly, creating a campus community free of sexual violence is our collective responsibility.
For those who have not yet taken the training, please take the online version now.
As explained in previous communications, cases of faculty and staff who do not comply with this mandatory requirement will be addressed through the respective collective or employment agreement or policy.
Similarly, students whether new or returning, undergraduate or graduate — who do not comply will have a block placed on their student account that will prevent registration for future terms unless the training is completed.
I understand that this can be a sensitive topic which may affect people in different ways. Individuals who feel distressed by this requirement can send their concerns to mandatory-training@concordia.ca so that an in-person training session can be arranged.
For any questions, check out Concordia.ca/allofus.
Thank you for your collaboration and support,
Graham Carr
Interim President and Vice-Chancellor