How to avoid the January student loan rush

The end of semester is nigh and you're likely super busy. But if you're using government student aid, take some time to ensure that your finances are in order. This could save you some headaches come January. The Financial Aid and Awards Office has the following tips to ensure smooth sailing in 2020.
Ask questions early to avoid the January rush
If you have questions or if you need to discuss your file with a financial aid advisor, don’t wait until the last minute. Come see us before your final exams in December. Book an appointment by emailing Or come to Financial Aid and Awards during walk-in hours: Monday to Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.
The office is located in GM-230 in the Guy-De Maisonneuve Building (1550 De Maisonneuve Blvd W.) on the Sir George Williams Campus.
You sent the requested documents to Aide financière aux études (AFE). What’s next?
Check the status of your documents in your AFE file under “Documents received” (“Documents reçus” if it is a French file). “Documents received” is found on the left-hand side of the screen under the “my profile” tab.
When the documents are received by AFE, they take some time to be processed. Upon processing your documents, AFE will start calculating your potential student funding.
On the waiting list? Registered late?
Contact our office as soon as you are fully registered!
We can help inform your loan provider that you are registered for your classes so you can receive approved funding. Once you have completed your registration, please contact our office by emailing with your Concordia ID number for help with updating your file.
No longer applying for student loans?
Contact our office after the Did Not Enter (DNE) date to avoid paying interest on your loan.
If you are no longer applying for student aid but require confirmation of enrolment to be sent to your province’s student loan provider, please contact our office by email for assistance. This will ensure you do not pay interest. Please check with your loan provider to verify the process required.
Waiting for your full-time Guarantee Certificate?
No need to pick it up!
Once issued, an electronic copy of your full-time Guarantee Certificate will be directly deposited in your AFE file under “Notices” (“Avis” if it is a French file). “Notices” are found on the left-hand side of the screen under “my profile.”
You can simply print the Guarantee Certificate and take it to your bank. Here is a list of financial institutions that accept the Guarantee Certificate: Caisse Desjardins, Bank of Montreal, RBC Royal Bank, National Bank of Canada and Laurentian Bank.
Learn more about Concordia's Financial Aid and Awards Office.