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Concordia’s JMSB partners with the Centre de transfert d’entreprise du Québec

The collaboration will focus on supporting business succession and transition in the province
November 18, 2019
By Yuri Mytko

Concordia’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Centre de transfert d’entreprise du Québec (CTEQ).

As part of the agreement, JMSB’s Bob and Raye Briscoe Centre in Business Ownership Studies will collaborate with CTEQ on initiatives to help demystify and facilitate the business acquisition process for students and other Concordia stakeholders.

Financially supported by the Government of Quebec’s Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation, CTEQ has a mandate to address issues of business succession and transition in the province by connecting individuals looking to buy or sell a business.

“Cultivating strong partnerships is one of the pillars of our strategic plan, and CTEQ represents the perfect partner for the John Molson School of Business,” says Anne-Marie Croteau, the school’s dean.

“Our organizations share a common goal of connecting entrepreneurs. By combining our efforts and working together we can share our collective expertise within a wider network and make a much greater impact on the entrepreneurial landscape in Quebec.”

Upcoming workshop series

William Meder is the Briscoe Centre director. He says the two organizations will work together to offer workshops, educational programming and other supporting activities to help ensure that business ownership transfers are both encouraged and facilitated.

“The centre is thrilled to align its resources and expertise with CTEQ to help expand the entrepreneurial mindset in Quebec,” he says.

The Briscoe Centre’s next workshop series, which begins November 20, is one example of the collaborations Concordia and CTEQ are planning to roll out.

Organized along with the John Molson Executive Centre, the series will introduce individuals to the possibilities of buying their own business and give them the skills they need to achieve their business-ownership dreams.

The series’ first workshop, “Where do I find a business to buy?” will provide tools and strategies to find an appropriate business for acquisition.

The agenda will include conventional and creative approaches to the search process and presentations by academics, industry professionals and entrepreneurs who will share current trends, practical tips and personal stories about buying their own business.

If you are interested in buying your own business but aren’t sure where to start, register for the
Buying Your Own Business workshop series offered by the Bob and Raye Briscoe Centre in Business Ownership Studies and the John Molson Executive Centre at the John Molson School of Business.


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