FEB. 15: Winter Open House 2020 welcomes tomorrow’s members of the Concordia community

Concordia is throwing open its doors to some 5,000 guests for winter Open House on Saturday, February 15. Hundreds of faculty members, staff and student volunteers will be on hand to welcome prospective Concordians at a key point in their academic journey.
Students preparing to start university in fall 2020 have already begun to plan for their scholarly future. “It’s getting real, and that gives winter Open House an extra level of excitement for people,” says Cindy Tam, student recruitment manager.
“Most students have moved on from thinking big-picture about where to apply to and are ready to actually submit an application.”
Tam adds that other prospective students already have an admissions decision.
“This means they’re at Open House to look into next steps like advising and getting familiar with our facilities and services. In either case, it’s a time of real anticipation for our future students.”
Concordia is continuing to trend toward being a first-choice option, Tam notes.
“Our programs in engineering and computer science rocketed upward in the Maclean’s 2020 university rankings,” she says. “Montreal continues to be the best student city in North America. And we have a reputation of being a place where students are doing work that’s going to be key to the future of our planet. All of those factors mean there’s a lot of interest in Concordia.”
Applying on the spot
The deadline to apply for undergraduate admission is March 1. Guided by admissions staff at the Application Centre, prospective students can submit an application on the spot during Open House and make sure they are on track to receive a timely admissions decision.
People unable to attend on February 15 can get admissions advice during live question-and-answer sessions on Facebook and Instagram. Recruiters will also be messaging with future students throughout the day on social media.

Getting a sense of life at Concordia
Open House guests can take a campus tour, which includes visiting student residences and seeing inside specialized facilities specific to their academic programs of interest. One example: future journalism students can take part in a mini-workshop to see what it feels like to go live on air as a news anchor in the department’s state-of-the-art TV studio.
“It’s really a chance to experience what it might be like to attend Concordia,” Tam says.
Especially for graduate students
The Grad Corner is a one-stop shop for questions about financial awards, services and more. Presentations include “What I wish I knew before applying to grad school” and tips on preparing a statement of purpose or a funding application.
Register now for Concordia’s winter 2020 Open House, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, February 15.
Events on Sir George Williams Campus take place in the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV Building) and the John Molson (MB) Building. On Loyola Campus, they happen in the Richard J. Renaud Science Complex (SP Building).