Latest modifications to the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ)
In the last few weeks, Concordia has been assessing the latest changes to the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) introduced by the government on May 28, 2020.
Concordia has worked with other universities to prepare comments on these new modifications, which have been expressed in a letter sent on June 16 through the Bureau de coopération inter-universitaire (BCI).
“In the past, the PEQ has been an important tool that attracts talented students and faculty to help answer Quebec’s need for qualified resources and further build its future,” said Concordia’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Graham Carr.
“We know that more than 50 per cent of our international graduates opt to stay and work in Quebec. Those who choose Quebec to study and live enrich our university and strengthen the province’s capacity for innovation and its economy.”
Concordia and other universities in Quebec have asked for the following changes:
- Allow students who are already in a Quebec university program and those registered for the fall 2020 semester to benefit from the pre-existing PEQ regulation.
- Recognize work experience, including part-time work, and paid internships of candidates in the 36 months prior to their application to the PEQ.
- Create a selection program that recognizes the specific needs of universities in recruiting international professors.
- Process applications in 20 business days after a PEQ submission, given the amount of time already spent in Quebec by applicants.
Read the full letter sent by the BCI on behalf of Quebec universities to the government.