EV Building closed on Saturday, June 5, 2021

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, no one will be allowed to enter the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV).
Closure of the building is a requirement for the installation of a temporary chiller, an integral part of the building’s ventilation system.
Prior to the closure, a crane will be installed on Ste. Catherine Street, between Guy and Bishop streets. That will mean both pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be re-routed through to Sunday night when the crane is removed.
Closure of the building will last the entire day and affect all Concordia members who normally would have access to office, lab and studio spaces. It will also affect all retail stores and restaurants located within the EV Building.
Please note that, on Saturday, it will also be impossible to access the EV Building from either the Guy-de Maisonneuve (GM) or John Molson (MB) buildings – though both of those will be open during the work. On Sunday, June 6, people can access EV through GM.
For questions or concerns about the closure, please contact Facilities Management at 514-848-2424 ext. 2400.