Call for appraisals: Concordia's ombudsperson

With Amy Fish’s second term as Concordia’s ombudsperson coming to a close, she has confirmed her interest to seek a third term in the role.
Fish first assumed the position in March, 2016 for an initial two-year term that was renewed for a five-year term. In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Ombuds Office, the university’s Board of Governors has struck an Ombudsperson Appraisal Committee.
Chaired by Frederica Jacobs, secretary-general and general counsel, the Ombudsperson Appraisal Committee will review the operations of the Ombuds Office and make recommendations with respect to its operations and to Fish’s suitability for renewal as ombudsperson.
Members of the evaluation committee consist of the chair and a secretary as well as representatives of the Concordia community, including at least one undergraduate and one graduate student.
Share your input by April 21, 2022
Input from the university community is a valuable source of information that facilitates the committee’s appraisal process. Members of the university community — also referred to as Concordians — are encouraged to provide brief written submissions based on the themes and criteria that apply to the role.
For the purposes of the appraisal process, Concordians include staff, faculty, students, student applicants, exchange students, visiting students, postdoctoral fellows, interns, academic visitors, stagiaires, researchers and alumni.
All comments submitted must be signed or originate from an identifiable email address.
Confidentiality of the appraisal process
Submissions are treated in the strictest confidence. Only the chair and secretary of the evaluation committee are privy to the identity of the individuals who submit comments. While the committee will discuss the general themes of submissions received with the ombudsperson, the actual submissions will not be shared.
All written submissions received for review by the committee will be presented to the evaluation committee in paper format with all identifying information removed or otherwise rendered illegible.
The appraisal process is governed by the Terms of Reference of the Ombuds Office (BD-2) and Protocol for Receiving and Transmitting Comments Submitted to Evaluation Committees to Accompany Policy BD-8 and Policy BD-17.
Submissions should be sent to Andrea Renaud, secretary of the Ombusperson Evaluation Committee, at no later than April 21, 2022.
Learn more about Concordia’s Ombuds Office.