Kathleen Kaherine Gilbert | BA Anthropology
What were some of the highlights from your time at Concordia?
Kathleen Kaherine Gilbert: By attending Concordia I've met people from diverse backgrounds and that allowed me to make lifelong friends. Also, being able to see how I've changed from year one to now, I feel that I've accomplished so much and gained valuable skills that I can use beyond university.
How does it feel to be graduating?
KKG: I've sort of become a seasoned grad from Concordia, as this is the third time I am going through the process (BA in 2017 and certificate in 2019). I feel a sense of accomplishment and want to express my appreciation to everyone I've met. I value everything I've learned and the new skills I've acquired, but at the same time I am saddened to be leaving.
How has the Otsenhákta Student Centre played a role in your life at Concordia?
KKG: The Otsenhákta Student Centre was my home away from home, and without their support I would not have made it this far. They were there throughout all the highs and lows, ready to offer support. They helped me become a better student and I've met such incredible people thanks to the centre.
What’s next for you after graduation?
KKG: Ideally, I can continue to expand my knowledge, but I have not found anything that captures all my interests in regard to graduate studies. Whether it be in an academic setting or not, I do hope I can continue learning.