Avoid MB construction work by taking the tunnel

Facilities Management has been undertaking major work on the main entrance to the John Molson Building (MB). Because of heavy usage and door maintenance issues, part of the summer was spent rebuilding the structure and related infrastructure.
The plan was to complete the job before the start of the new term. However, construction challenges and community needs led to work shutdowns with significant impact on the timeline.
“Some issues caused ripple effects. Combined, they pushed delivery of the work by three months, into late fall,” says Marie-Claude Lavoie, associate vice-president of Facilities Management.
Take the EV-MB tunnel
The construction barrier around the worksite has temporarily reduced the size of the southwest corner access at Guy St. and De Maisonneuve Blvd. This adds pressure to the busy corner, slowing pedestrian movement and increasing safety risks.
“We ask that people please use the EV-MB tunnel. It’s the best way to go between MB and the metro, J.W. McConnell Building (LB), Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV), Henry F. Hall Building (H) and Guy-De Maisonneuve Building (GM),” says Lavoie.
“Taking the tunnel means you avoid the construction site and traffic lights.”
Accessibility and next steps
Until the work is complete, most people going to MB will likely find the tunnel more accessible than the southern door, next to the alleyway. The tunnel also allows you to avoid construction on the Toronto-Dominion Building (TD) as well as busy traffic intersections.
In addition, to simplify access for those with reduced mobility, MB elevators are being temporarily reprogrammed to better serve the S2 tunnel level.
After work to the main entrance is complete, the southern doors will also undergo renovation and replacement work.
“Once the new doors are installed, access to MB will be better than ever since we’re actually increasing the size of the entrance,” Lavoie says. “In the meantime, we will continue to do everything we can to accommodate our community and reduce inconvenience.”
To get to the EV-MB tunnel
- From the metro at Guy and De Maisonneuve: turn right at the turnstiles, rather than going left to street level. The tunnel is just past the EV doors.
- From upper levels in EV: take the escalators or stairs down to the metro level and find the tunnel at the landing, on your left.
- From the H or LB: take the tunnel towards the metro station and continue past the turnstiles into EV.